Wow. Such meme.


much funny.

so majestic.

Don’t know doge? Well, thanks to the strange place that is the internet we present to you Shibe Doge:


An image displaying the profound thoughts of a Shiba Inu, written in comic sans.

such internet.

Now usually, I will never, ever, condone the use of the font comic sans in any design. Blue comic sans was my font of choice on AIM 10 years ago, and I regret it everyday. Comic sans is the worst.

But Shibe Doge makes it work. Maybe it’s the horrible grammar. Maybe it’s the neon colors. Whatever it is, it is so bad that it is good.


However, this meme is more than an amusing picture. It has taken it’s popularity a step further than reddit and facebook posts, and it has spawned a legitimate cryptocurrency called “dogecoin.”  One man is even selling his vacation house for 100,000,000 dogecoins (approximately $135,000).

With that much clout, how could we not honor the Shibe Doge?  So we made some t-shirts. To the moon!
